enhance network security

Use one of the 3,000 customizable automations in the Automation Library™, or build your own using the Automation Builder™ and the CLI or API commands you already use for administration. Any task you can perform manually, across any combination of devices, can be automated with BackBox, like:

Trusted Backup & Restore

Automate both backup and restore functions for network infrastructure including firewalls, routers, switches, IDSs, IPS, and more.

OS Updates & Patch Management

Automate the management of operating system and software updates for critical network infrastructure devices.

Continuous Audit & Remediation

Continuous grooming to a golden configuration keeps the network secure, compliant, and aligned with business needs.

Network Vulnerability Management

Closed-loop vulnerability management maps your inventory to a rich vulnerability data feed so that you can prioritize device updates based on actual vulnerability state.

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Automate Anything

With support for thousands of network devices from over 180 vendors, you can automate anything an administrator would do at the keyboard, across devices from any vendor.

Our Automation Library gets you started quickly with 3,000 pre-built but customizable automations, created by our services team to meet the complex needs of our Global 500 customers.

Can’t find a pre-built automation that fits your criteria? Build your own using only the commands that you already use for administration with our Automation Builder. No scripting required.

about us


Founded in 2011, more than 500 network operations teams and MSPs globally count on BackBox to continuously improve the health, security, and compliance of their network devices with flexible, scalable automation. We believe that network automation should be easy, attainable, and provide our customers with unprecedented time savings and reduced risk.

5-Step Verification of Backups

Ensures that backups can be restored when they’re needed.

1-Click Restore

Restoring from backup takes just a single-click, even when restoring to bare-metal.

Distributed Architecture

Distributed Architecture supports MSP's and large enterprises, and scales the execution of automations with advanced automation queue management.

Auto discovery of new devices

Discover new network devices automatically to reduce the administrative load of manually adding or removing devices as your network changes.

Multi-tenant and role-based administration

A great solution for Service Providers and large network administration teams.

Hardened & Secure OS

Hardened and Secure Operating System based on stripped-down Linux OS


Rich reporting enables network teams to communicate across the organization.


Anything that can be done in the UI can be accessed with our OpenAPI-defined standard API.

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